The Montessori Approach

Who Was Maria Montessori?
Maria Montessori was an Italian doctor who developed her teaching methods whilst working with disadvantaged children. She welcomed some children into a home, which was specially designed to help them develop socially, physically, emotionally and intellectually. She developed special materials and an educational method, which was based on her observations of how children learn and develop naturally. Using this approach in a special environment she found that children learned almost effortlessly as they absorbed things around them. Her methods were widely acknowledged and she went on to apply her work to all children. From this sprang the Montessori approach which continues to be as relevant today as it was. She has pioneered child centred education, now accepted as best practice.

At Oaklea...
We follow the Montessori method, which, at its heart, values and respects each child and is designed specifically to allow each individual to develop at his or her own pace whilst developing initiative and independence. Through a wide range of practical and stimulating activities, children's confidence and self-discipline are built-up. They make choices and follow through activities to completion as they learn how to concentrate. Together with the fun of being and working with other children, they learn self-respect based on their own achievements and understanding.
We are delighted to offer a quality Montessori experience to children from all families, through our not-for-profit Community Interest Company.
Oaklea Montessori Community Interest Company Copyright © 2018
All images, design, text and other content copyright Oaklea CIC unless explicitly stated. All rights reserved.
All images with children are used with parental permission.