On 7th September we welcomed back staff who had been on furlough for several months, new families and existing families, many of which had not attended since ‘lockdown’ back in March. The start of the new academic year often brings a few ‘wobbly’ children as they leave their parents or carers for the first time. Yes, we have had a little bit of this but not on the scale we had imagined. The children were eager, excited and ready to see old friends and make new ones. They were ready to leave the bubble of home that they have been used to for so many months and have been eager to participate in exciting learning opportunities.
The news is flooded with negativity yet none of this is present when we arrive at work. For the children, Oaklea provides a form of normality in an ever changing climate of uncertainty. We are delighted to offer a safe and familiar space for the children to thrive.
As parents, you have understandably sought reassurance about how we are managing COVID-19. Many new families have not been able to see inside our classrooms. The trust that you have placed in us is massive – thank you.
So what will this term offer? It will offer awe and wonder to the children as they make new discoveries: finding caterpillars in the garden, picking dandelion heads to blow, noticing the change in season, forming friendships and so much more. We will still be celebrating Autumn, Bonfire Night and Christmas. We will still be encouraging children to be independent, confident learners. We will still sing, cuddle and laugh because this is what our children need in such unprecedented times. We hope you can share this excitement with us.